Laurence LIEN

Chairman, Asia Philanthropy Circle

Laurence Lien is Co-Founder and Chairman of the Asia Philanthropy Circle, a membership-based platform for Asian philanthropists to exchange, learn and collaborate. Laurence is also the Chairman of Lien Foundation, which is well-regarded for its forward-thinking approach in education, eldercare and the environment. Laurence previously led the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre in Singapore from 2008 - 2014, and chaired the Community Foundation of Singapore from 2013-2019. Prior to this, Laurence served in the Singapore Government. Laurence holds degrees from Oxford University, the National University of Singapore, and Harvard University. He was also a Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore from 2012-2014. 

Speaker Appearing In

Track 1.2: Evolution of Eastern Giving: How has Asia been giving?

  • 9 Sep 2024
  • 11:45 - 12:45
  • M+