Plenary 4: From Grant-making to Governance: How does private charity interact with public policy?

  • 15:30 - 16:30
  • 10 Sep 2024
  • Freespace

Governments and philanthropists may differ on positioning, organisation and the nature of their funds, but they share one major commonality – to act for overall societal good. For many years, the expectation has been that charities fill public service gaps and complement public policy. However, as philanthropies have grown and innovated in the ways they access and deploy their capital, they have also encountered wider opportunities to influence public institutions and policies. How can the dynamics between key players in the public and private arenas create lasting impact to the community at-large, especially the vulnerable groups?

In this session, we will explore how philanthropy and government engage with each other and synergise to enact better governance and tackle critical issues in society.